Introduction to Tools and Techniques in Computer Science


Franklin Bristow


Version control is an amazing tool. It’s overwhelming now, but you’re going to be using this extensively both in school and when you get into industry.

We’ll keep using version control throughout this course, but, for now, we’re going to move on.

This week we’re going to be spending some quality time with our shells 🐚. That plain-text interface seems to be both intimidating and primitive all at the same time. Yes, shells can be intimidating, but we can do pretty powerful things with shells that might otherwise seem magical to someone who’s never written a program before.

“But I can just write a program to do that!” I’ll hear you thinking in class. Yeah, you can write a program to do stuff like we’re going to see, but why would you write a program that already exists?

By the end of this week you should be able to: